
Emergency Info

If you are in immediate danger or know someone who is in extreme distress, call 911 or UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety at 704‑687‑2200.

The offices reviewing these reports do not respond directly to emergencies.


The purpose of this page is to provide students, faculty, staff, and community members a common place to report information, behavior, or observations, that need to be brought to the attention of university administrators. The landing page provides reporters the opportunity to select the reporting form that best matches the type of incident or information they would like to report.

Report Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct reports contain allegations of violations within the Code of Student Academic Integrity. The reports may include, but are not limited to, behaviors such as cheating or plagiarism. General classroom misbehavior is considered non-academic and should be reported under non-academic misconduct.

Report Non-Academic Behavior

Non-academic behavior encompasses allegations of violations within the Code of Student Responsibility or issues of conflict and harm. The reports may include, but are not limited to, behaviors such as use of alcohol or drugs, disorderly conduct, hazing, harassment, physical violence, or other violations of university policies, regulations, or rules.

Report Care and Concern for an Individual

Concerning behavior encompasses a broad range of actions and/or observations, including but not limited to: mental health concerns/issues; inappropriate display of anger or emotion; suicide ideation or attempt; significant changes in appearance, hygiene, or behavior; and housing/food insecurity. If the student of concern you are referring poses an immediate threat to self or others, please call 911 or UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety at 704‑687‑2200.

Report Sexual or Interpersonal Misconduct

This form may be used to report information to the University related to sexual or interpersonal misconduct including not limited to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, gender-based harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and related retaliation against a student, faculty member, or staff member as outlined in University Policy 504 and University Policy 502.

Report Discrimination or Discriminatory Harassment

This form may be used to report information to the University related to an alleged incident of discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or related retaliation against a student, faculty member, or staff member as outlined in University Policy 501.

Report a Grievance

UNC Charlotte is dedicated to fostering a respectful and supportive environment for all members of the University community. If a student has a concern or issue related to their living or learning environment, they may consider submitting a formal grievance through the University’s Student Grievance Policy.

For any concerns not covered by other reporting options, please fill out this form.

UNC Charlotte uses a system called EthicsPoint to handle reports about ethical behavior. Anonymous reports can be made if someone is suspected of not following laws, rules, University Policies, or standards. It can also be used to ask for advice about ethics and compliance or to give positive suggestions.

Not sure how to categorize what you have observed or experienced? Contact the Dean of Students Office at 704‑687‑0345 for assistance.

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Please note: Anonymous text messaging using RealResponse is actively monitored Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm EST, when the university is open. This platform is not intended for emergency use.  If you are in immediate danger or know someone who is in extreme distresscall 911 or contact UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety at 704‑687‑2200 or via the LiveSafe app.